You know what breaks the flow and continuity of things? Freakin' load screens. This doesn't sound like much, until you're actually drooling at the screen firsthand.So many new and unique perks to choose from.It will take you a moment to fully appreciate all the new shinies, but you will NOT be disappointed, you don’t lose anything you wanted and gain so much more.

Set aside the Vanilla Perk system for a completely expanded overhaul, that nails what it sets out to do. How about 400 brand new perks for Skyrim? Yes, please. Ordinator: Perks of SkyrimĬustomization you say? Ordinator: Perks of Skyrim, I say. Get Relationship Dialogue Overhaul here 6.

(Realistically) Provides smithing skill advancement while using the smelter and tanning rack, as well as when you are mining ores.For all my Smiths and Smithsess (work with me here), this is the *cough* NON- CHEAT *cough* mod you want!

Ars Metallica covers a good part of that wishlist, without just handing you every piece of equipment you want for no material costs (SHAME ON YOU ). If we're being honest, blacksmithing in the game is ok, but it needs a few things. It allows another layer of interaction with vendors, and really lends itself to the feeling of a climb to power, as you build your financial empire as well.Discounts on goods (because membership has its privileges), as well as getting your "cut" of the business.You can boost your properties' income, striking deals with the East Empire Company, by opening trade routes – and of course, this too has its price.If it doesn’t sound like much, as you progress, it becomes something that just makes more and more sense - you’re a big deal, shouldn’t your station in the community reflect that too?

What's one of the biggest displays of power outside of completely thrashing every single living creature? Why buying up businesses and bending the economy to your every whim, naturally.
#Skyrim the people of skyrim mod xbox mods
So grab your sweetroll, milk-drinker, and pull the arrow out of your freakin' knee, here are the top 10 Skyrim mods for roleplaying. There are HUNDRED of excellent mods for Skyrim that do a host of things, this list only deals with the most RPG-centric ones, and does its best to avoid imbalancing or game-breaking ones. Please believe me, it’s especially true, if you add the10 mods listed here. That being said, what if I told you, we could take all that to an entirely new level? Skyrim is an amazing game, whose multiple layers stand nicely on its own to any true RPG fan.